Which of The Following Measures Can Improve The Security of Access To Online Accounts?

Hardened systems, firewalls, and other security measures are hallmarks of any business’s fight against hackers. No company wants to be the next business on the news when a breach occurs! Discover how a Linux vulnerability scanner can make a difference with your secured data.

1. Examines Those HTTP Details

IT professionals see thousands of data packets entering and leaving a given network. Downloaded files, saved work and other information is checked and approved through most firewalls. Hackers aren’t focusing on these outlets, however.

Vulnerability scanners complement your current security protocols by examining the HTTP and HTTPS movements in the system. Most employees work in the online world for most of the day, so these checkpoints are crucial to system security. The scanner analyzes each protocol so that breaches are almost impossible.

2. Accounts for Vulnerabilities Caused by Common Hacking Threats

Think of your network as a set of pathways that enter your proprietary files. You need gates on those pathways! Anyone can access your data otherwise.

Scanners check for vulnerabilities that stem from these protocols, such as:

• SQL injection

• Cross-site scripting or XSS

These common threats become low priorities when you have a scanner that’s constantly discovering them and dealing with the issues.

Hackers are always coming up with new and more complex ways to jump your pathway gates, however. Today’s scanners take on these intricate hacks so that your data remains safe.

Ward off these issues, including:

• Blind cross-site scripting

• Server-side request forgery or SSRF

• Out-of-band SQL injection

• Directory traversal

3. Identifies Threats Through Multiple Checks

Hackers can create some of the most elaborate codes to slip past your detection methods. They’re quite elegant from a hacker’s perspective! However, you need to identify those threats as soon as possible.

Depend on a vulnerability scanner to check and double-check your system. A code that slipped by a half-second ago might be caught by another verification method. Within hours, you should know what has passed through the network and if it had any effect on the data.

4. Frees up Your Staff

Let the scanner do its job, and your IT department can focus on other tasks. Freeing up the staff to work on other issues is a dream for most businesses. If your team is too busy focusing on vulnerabilities that can be monitored by a scanner, other breaches are bound to happen.

With the scanner in place, divide the team out into groups that can tackle other problems. Divide to conquer those hacking vulnerabilities!

5. Provides Flexibility for Custom Options

Companies love Linux systems because they’re completely customized to their particular needs. Your choice of data protection should have the same flexibility.

The best scanners today will give you many options that your IT department will appreciate. Customize these features right now, including:

• Authentication

• Crawling settings

• Web-attack options

• URL rewrite rules

Discuss system updates with your IT team today. They probably have a particular Linux vulnerability scanner in mind for the office. Take control of your data so that breaches are nearly impossible at your company.

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